So excited that you are interesting in joining Elle-vation!

We'll be opening for new women to join next month...


Women's Community of "soul-Business" Creators

join a soul-PRENEUR coaching community

- Be part of a collective of women working to elevate each other to shine -


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Are you working alone from home on your "soul-business"?

Without anyone to bounce ideas with and hold you accountable?

Do you believe that you have to work hard for money?

That you can't make money from what you love to do?

  • Are you stuck in old money patterns?

  • Do you lack self-confidence and trust in your work?

  • Is negative self-talk and your fears holding you back?

  • Do you know you have a jewel of an offering hidden away?

  • Are you paralysed by comparison and judgement?

  • Do you feel you don't have the skills or know where to start?

And You are alone with yourself ...

When you try to work on your "Soul Work" in isolation you lack motivation!

And before you know it


You lose yourself in your own head, the negative self talk comes up and imposter syndrome takes over... you forget the essence of yourself the gifts you have and drown in insecurities & fears.

YOu get drowned with the to do's of life


You feel that you don't have the tools and skills to launch your "Soul Business". Feel lost alone trying to tackle this mountain and have no one to consult or ask for feedback.

INSEcurity takes over, you lose all self-belief...

and you Do work for money!

You give up on your souls calling, your purpose becomes a lost dream and you end up in the cycle of working for money doing a job unaligned with your values to pay your bills, or worse you do nothing at all - hiding behind your kids and in family life.

I was there working 18hr days As a Financial Trader for money

...I was doing work that was totally unaligned, my head and heart were disconnected!

I spent every day crying in the bathroom and saw how far away from my values I was.

I was making money on the back of people losing their livelihoods...

and now I am on a mission to help others, like you, to get out of this loop and to launch your "Soul Business" into the world!

As a mother, and woman.. the biggest pain I imagine is doing work you don't feel aligned with to leave your kids. It breaks my heart to think of this for mothers!

Or worse you give up on your "Soul Work" caring for the family, you lose yourself in the needs of your children.

I have transformed this in my life, I make money from my "Soul Business" and don't feel like I am "working at all", plus the guilt of work and motherhood doesn't exist when you know you're on your soul's path! And now...

I am on a mission to help other women just like you!


You can do work that you LOVE, sharing your purpose with the world and make MONEY from doing it!

Guilt free!

This is my story.

I was totally disconnected from myself, others and life.

Drained and tired, almost burnt out - seeing no more meaning in life...

I believed that money would bring me happiness. I worked so hard in jobs that had zero meaning to make a lot of money...

But that was not enough, I had all the money I could have dreamt off at 26yrs old but I was totally unhappy, burnt out and tired of living my own life.

Then, I had a pivotal moment! I realised that it was not only about the money - I questioned if there was another way of living life - and I got a strong sign from life to quit my job as a financials trader in London!

I left on a "spiritual exploration" in search for the meaning of life, and to understand our life purpose and the role of money.

After many years living in communities, ashrams and exploring many different healing modalities - I attended Schumacher College in the UK to do masters in Economic for Transition.

This allowed me to integrate the two extreme experiences as a trader and spiritual seeker - for my thesis, I created a community currency in Brazil and that's where this work I am doing now was born from.

To understand our relationship to money and our life purpose!



Your life when you are making money from What you love to do?

How would you be spending your time?

What would you be creating with your one precious life?

YOu can make this shift to!

Join the Coaching Community for Women "Soul-preneur" coaches, facilitators and gift contributers to elevate together.

With Feminine Energetics you can create on your dream business with tools that are aligned with your cyclical natural rhythms.

Working with a supportive community of women, receiving coaching, feedback and accountability to create your "Soul Business"...

All this to support you to share your purpose & gifts with the world!

What's included inside the CoACHING community space...


Weekly Live Group Coaching Calls

To implement new feminine energetic tools in your business.

Learn to work with your natural cycle, ask questions and apply new ways to create and grow your business.

Open up to receive

Weekly inspiration to build your "Soul Business" using feminine energetics so you don't burn out!


Weekly "Get Stuff Done" Sessions

Meet online with other women to work together and as the title says to "Get Stuff Done"! Harness the energy of the group to stay motivated with your business goals.

Open up to receive

Meet with a group of women to actually get your work done! A time to get in focused work time in a held container.


Weekly & Monthly Accountability

We set weekly accountability goals and monthly metrics by which you measure your own inner and outer progress. So that each month we can celebrate how far you've come!

Open up to receive

Measurable results on what you are achieving, visibility on how to adapt and celebrate these wins!


Woman's Gift Sharing

This is my favourite session, a woman gets to share her gifts through a Masterclass. We open a space for a woman to show up and be cheered on - all in a safe container!

Open up to receive

A platform to try out something, to share your gifts and shine! To be seen and to hold space for other women to elevate together.


Monthly Community Events

A space to explore the other aspects of womanhood beyond the work and business life. We are complex beings with many roles and facets, these spaces are there to bring a holistic dimension.

Open up to receive

A whole approach to womanhood! Embrace all of your sides and give space to your emotions and your whole being.

You'll build your "Soul business" using feminine energetics!

In weekly coaching we'll implement the framework from Cyclical Roadmap I've developed to build out your "Soul Business" so that it's totally aligned with your natural cycle.

So you won't face burnout anymore, and instead harness the power of the feminine cycle to cultivate your soul work.

Imagine never feeling like you have to work a day in your life again! Instead by setting up the right frameworks and structures, you'll be able to live life following your feminine flow!

Imagine Managing your time & Living in Abundance

You can organise your days, do work you love and prosper from it!

Freedom of time

You'll learn space first living principles to allocate your time, as to manage your personal/ family time, your business and most important self-care time.

Differentiate between working on & in your business.

Express your gifts

A full life, is only lived when your soul feels like it is expressing itself.

You are unique and there is no one else with your life experience & skills.

We'll work together to bring our your individual expression to the world.

Live in true abundance

Money in itself without a true purpose is meaningless and empty.

You'll be invited into full alignment which means that money flows to you naturally.

You won't feel drained and like you have to "work" ever again!

All this can be done through a state of flow

By giving your gifts to the world and plugging into your highest purpose vision - you feel energised all the time!

You'll be able to spend quality time with family & friends, AND making time for your own self-care.

All this whilst building-up your nest egg and you are on the way to financial freedom.

You can reach all of the above and more

without having to work hard & be stressed out...

To face Burn-out and working in un-sustainable ways as an entrepreneur.

Missing family time, and giving up precious moments to make money.

Needing large amounts of investment in the business, you can grow organically at your own pace.

A little something extra...


training of Feminine Energetics for your business!

Receive a training of the Cyclical Feminine Flow way of working to implement the feminine energetics on your project and business.


30 mins 1:1 strategy session with myself if you sign up for the 6 months package!

If you sign up to join Elle-vation for 6 months, I will add a personal strategy session in for us to get clarity & alignment on your path!


All Community events I offer online are included!

By registering, you're invited to join the community events I offer online such as Ritual, Tea Ceremonies and Circles.
(New courses are not included)

Join the Community

€150 = Monthly Price
or €125 per month

(with 3 months commitment = €375)

or €95 per month

(with 6 months commitment = €570)

Start to change the tone to overcoming their objections now that they’ve seen the offer.

Throughout my life being who I am - an empathic high potential HSP - made me feel out of connection with most of my peers. On top of that having been bullied by women for most of my life joining a group of women who want to express their talents was a huge step for me. I am so glad that I did!

What I found was a loving support, constructive criticism and the feeling of belonging, that enriched me far beyond what I could imagine.

Mar is very skilled as a mentor and guide for the anyone who joins one of her offerings! I am deeply grateful to her – as she allows me to feel seen and heard as a highly sensitive person – but also for her support in my path to thrive through my gifts!

Jole Berlage-BuccellatI

HSP Coach and voice activation facilitator

join the new group starting for €125 per month

(min. 3 month commitment)

There are no strings attached

Just in case they are not 100% happy..

We know that sometimes the energy of a space or group doesn't align and no one wants to be bound to something that isn't right.

You can sign up monthly for 125€, if the group is not the right for for you - you're free to leave after the first session!


Raw Corpo

I started the group coaching with Mar one year ago and since there I can trust much more in who am I in my life and work.

I am a single mom, I was living on social security with no classes or income, and I'm now fully booked with different classes which I love to give and keep continuing to grow.

“I'm now fully booked with different classes.”

“I'm now fully booked with different classes.”

I started the group coaching with Mar one year ago and since there I can trust much more in who am I in my life and work.

I am a single mom, I was living on social security with no classes or income, and I'm now fully booked with different classes which I love to give and keep continuing to grow.


Raw Corpo

“recommend this program for any conscious female entrepreneur.”

I was particularly attracted to the fact that the program is aligned with purpose, as I‘m running a ‘purpose-based business.’ This means that I think my purpose in life and my business are always working together—along with my relationship with money. I feel extremely nourished in this international group setting. Led by Mar’s clear guidance, I learned so much from this experience. I recommend this program for any conscious female entrepreneur that is ready to do deep personal work with a community of like-minded women!

Lisa Günther

Mindful Design Thinking

Women thriving in their lives

Thanks to the coaching community space

An incredible TRANSFORMATION from Sita Santos

I felt so held & supported to step more fully into my purpose. I realized that focusing more seriously on my heart’s calling is actually the biggest investment I can make into myself in this lifetime and I deserve to create the life of my dreams. I was able to break through some limiting beliefs around money & am learning to receive abundance with more ease & believing in my self-worth. Mar has a very calm & determined presence that makes me feel anything is possible with the right balance of masculine & feminine approaches.

HERE'S life Alignment shift from Su-Ai Eunice

I felt powerless in a world of exponential options, rampant excess, greed and opulence. My experience in the community was utterly transformative. It opened my eyes to a new way of creating wealth and connected me to a brilliant group of intelligent women. I feel energized and cultivated a reservoir of inner strength and resources. Through the time, I have connected with my essence, potential and self-worth. Furthermore, I am proud to be a part of a globally influential movement of empowered women who are creating a new paradigm around money, purpose and true wealth. I am committed to being authentic in who I am, to being grounded in real, heart-open connections of integrity and respect for the Earth and all its inhabitants. A better world order is coming— and we are building it!

The Group is starting..

The new group is commencing next month!

Bonus offer for 6months

€150 = Monthly Price

€125 per month

(with 3 months commitment) = €375

or €95 per month

(with 6 months commitment = €570)

Frequently asked questions...

Can I also pay monthly?

Yes! The offer is €150 monthly, when paid up front for 3 months its €375 (€125 per month) and for 6 months its €570 (€95 per month).(All payments are non-refundable.)

Is there a minimum stay?

Yes, as to keep the intimate container of the group and to get results of the implementation of the coaching on your project - I suggest a minimum of 3 months.

What happens if I miss a coaching session?

All the coaching sessions are recorded, so if you're unable to make it you can watch the recording at your own convenience.

What is Feminine Energetics?

I have developed a new way of working that is aligned with the Woman's natural cycle called the "Cyclical Feminine Flow". The world we are currently operating in working in 24hr cycles, women work in around 28/29 day cycles aligned with the moon and their menstrual flow.

So women are working in systems that are not supportive nor conducive for their best performance. I suggest this way of working to operate your business according to the 4 phases of the woman's cycle : Reflective, Dynamic, Expressive and Creative. This allows you to optimise your energy and output according to where you are in the cycle, it allows for enhanced performance through resting at the right times and avoids the path towards burnout.

Is this a very spiritual course?

Not at all, I believe in the balance between the material and spiritual, structure and flow.

From a client, Marina South who explains it beautifully :

"Mar created a container that was both expansive and pragmatic. The balance of physical action and energetic exploration felt completely tangible. This made integrating Mar’s practices and methods into everyday life effortless."

Do you give concrete tools?

Yes, I have developed a Cyclical Roadmap that takes you from "Your Purpose" (i.e. hearts calling, soul work) to building a financially sustainable and thriving business.

Each of the 4 parts of the Cyclical Roadmap has methodologies, lessons, spreadsheets and suggested resources for you to tap into to build out your "Purpose Business".

How do you guarantee success?

I believe that each woman has her own pace and time to blossom and shine.

Some women join me with a business and we make adjustments and tweaks to it, others start from an idea and build a thriving business in the same time.

I always say competition doesn't exist, instead it's a container to collaborate and support each other.

Are you ready to Join a thriving community of women?

You'll be part of a community space with weekly group coaching, "get stuff done" sessions and accountability.

A women's circle and offering your Masterclass to help elevate you and if you join this group

you'll be part of an exclusive community of women.

Bonus offer for 6months

€150 = Monthly Price

€125 per month

(WITH 3 months commitment = €375)

or €95 per month

(with 6 months commitment = €570)